Monday, September 30, 2019

The Influence of Tv Commercials on People

Short Essay on Generation Gap by  Bunty Rane Life styles, rapid changes in Science and Technology has transformed our outlook towards life, increasing the divide, much more than it has ever happened in the past. The divide has always been there but never before has it been so wide. Life style changes with the passage of time and with a changing life style, attitudes and values also undergo a transformation. No two generations have shared the same views and options. However, there has never been a greater divide between two generations than in modern times.With rapid changes in science and technology, the exposure, which today’s teenager is getting, is enormous. Value systems have gradually degenerated and the youth is assimilating a new culture. The result is confused parents who are unable to reconcile with the views of their children. There is a great divide between the perception of both, the young people and the adults. One finds that both are unable to communicate with each other, quite often. One of the reasons could be that neither knows what the other is interested in though they may be living under the same roof.This gap results in direct confrontation between the young and the old. This is a universal truth which is applicable to all times be it the past or future. Shakespeare King Lear beautifully depicts this confrontation between the young and the old. King Lear represents the older generation and the younger generation is represented by his daughters. Generation gap is not only reflected in the choice of dresses but also in music, opinions and other behavior patterns. The younger generation which has acquired a different set of values rebels against the older generation as they wish to impose their own value system on them.They resist this forceful intrusion as they are unable to reconcile with the thought of accepting what they think has become outdated. The parent’s displeasure is obviously natural as it is a defiance of their au thority and the right way to lead one’s life. Parents fail to realize that the wheel of change irreversible and those, who do not move with it, tend to become disillusion aggravating conflict. The kids are moving much faster on the technologic track, as well as in daily life, than the parents.Children, today, are capable using complicated gadgets and this phenomenon of superior knowledge children as compared to adults has never happened as much as now in 13 societies. The conflict arises when adults stick to their old ways and refuse accept any change while the world rapidly moves ahead. In short, Generation Gap is nothing but the resistance in adults to adapt| change – They forget that the only thing constant in life is ‘change’. The realization requires a lot of patience and understanding of change perceptions.The adults need to look back, introspect and think also the differences they had with their parents. No doubt, memory is she lived and one tends t o forget the past which they are fond of referring to ‘Good old days’, where they as children were obedient, respectful and servile. The gap between the old people and the young is called the generation gap. It is the difference in the attitude, priorities, and views among generations. As to the different attitude of life, the people belonging to the old generation always wonder what has gone wrong with the new generation.They feel that during their time, young boys and girls were better behaved, more obedient and had greater respect for elders. Young people, on the other hand, feel that they are capable enough to learn on their own rather than lean heavily on the older generation for any guidance. Young people do not like to be spoon-fed by their elders. The differences also appear in some other ways. For example, the way of entertainment. Our grandparents' generation never understood Elvis and the Beatles, frequently opposed to them, relating rock as â€Å"the devil' s music†.They did all they could to ban rock and contraceptives, mostly because they couldn't understand what was going on. Then came flower power and the hippie generation, who were smoking pot, protesting against Vietnam, taking acid and going to rock festivals, such as Woodstock. Essay Generation gap is unavoidable in not only extended families with many generations but also nuclear families between parents and children. A number of conflicts in a family are brought about by generation gap. In my opinion, to limit bad effects of generation gap, each family should use three following methods.First of all, it is important that family members discuss openly about their childhood or funny and sad incidents in family gatherings. This activity does not only create a close relationship but also helps build up understanding among all members. For instance, once children are aware that their grandparents and even their parents did not have a good upbringing during their hard childho od, they will stop complaining on the previous generations’ obsoleteness. In the meantime, once old people realize young people are nurtured in a new modern way, it is easy for them to be tolerant of young people’s new habits or hobbies.Secondly, people of each generation should not develop a very high feeling about themselves. In order to do that, they should not think that they are the only right people in their family because each person has his or her own limitation. When all members do not insist on their own opinions but listen to others, they can easily negotiate in case they have conflicting views. Also, together with keeping an open mind, each member should learn to respect one another’s good personalities.For example, teenagers realize that their parents have to struggle with pain to support them financially, and they stop rebel against their strictness. Parents realize that their children’s new style do no harm to their study and stop imposing their own unsuitable standard on their children. In general, generation gap and its bad effects can be limited if all members cooperate to build up a close-knit family in which they are open and tolerant of each other. I strongly believe that each family, by doing that, can enjoy a cozy atmosphere with the minimum interference of generation gap.Generation gap or a conflict between the old and the young is a topic of today. We often hear of conflict or a clash between the father and the son or between age and youth. Youth stands for adventure and enterprise. It is full of energy and enthusiasm, initiative and activities. It believes in going forward. It is not satisfied with the present. It is bubbling with new ideas. On the other hand age stands for old order or traditions. Today due to scientific development the youth have developed the spirit of enquiry and interrogation. They do not want to believe in ready-made belief.They are full of aspirations and ambitions. They wants to go ahead not caring for the consequences. When elders advise them, they feel annoyed, murmur and complain. Youth are sensitive by nature. Old order has lost its charm for them. Established values and traditions have lost their appeal for them. They are today living in the age of enquiry and experiment. When the elder dictate to them and impose their will upon them, the youth become defiant and rebellious. They feel frustrated and discontented, when their wishes are not fulfilled.The result is that today there is a direct clash between the father and the son. Family peace is disturbed. The society today faces a new problem and a new challenge. Life is dynamic and not static. Times change and with them values also change. The elder therefore, should change their mentality and attitude towards the youngsters. What was true yesterday is not true today. The youth are temperamentally and intellectually quite different from the elder. Every generation has its own dreams and visions—its hopes and ambitions. The old generation should change with the time.Let them wear colourful clothes and have flowering hair like hippies. The fashions of yesterday have no appeal to j youth of today. Both the young and the old should read the writing on the wall. The generation gap is not something which cannot be filled up. It can be bridged by apathy and better understanding. Faults on both sides must be overlooked and shortcomings should be forgiven. What is needed is greater affection. The key to this problem lies in one world â€Å"Adjustment†. Parents must appreciate f children for what they are and no for what they want them to be.The generation gap becomes wider when the elder and the younger generation refuse to understand and appreciate the view point of other. It is wrong for older generation to expect the same thing which they did to their elders. The youth today ignore the advice of the teacher and disobey their parents because their self-respect is injured. Chi ldren today enjoy those advantages which their parents lacked. A son's ambitions and dreams may be totally different from those of his father. For instance, the father may be a practical man who liked to build memorials, but life may have defeated his ambitions.The son on the other hand may be a poet and dreamer. The generation gap has to be bridge not by parental compulsion, but by mutual understanding, tactful handling, sympathy and understanding. The modern parent is busy with earning money. The result is that he neglects the child and throws him to the wolves. In the absence of parental influence and guidance, the youth lose spiritual ties which maintain life. The younger generation should show a deeper understanding to their elders who should turn a lenient eye on their shortcomings.The youth must pay heed to their elder's advice because age speaks with the wisdom of experience. What is needed is friendship, not animosity, sympathy, not criticism, understanding. To whatever gen eration we belong, we have to make journey from the cradle to the grave. Our elders should read the psychology of the youth and then try to deal with them, tactfully. The youth on the other hand should not cross limit of decency and propriety. There is no harm if they allow themselves to be guided by their elders whose rich worldly experience may prove useful to them.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Justifiable and Unjustifiable Government Interference

Since the Patriot Act was enacted after September 11, 2001. There has been an ongoing argument about the validity of the Patriot Act and whether or not it is a violation of civil rights. The question is how far is too far? How much intrusion will Americans allow into their lives for the sake of national security? The Patriot Act was signed into law on October 26, 2001. The Patriot Act has 16 provisions that give the government surveillance and legal powers to use against terrorists. Since 9/11, there have been no other terror attacks on American soil. Since this time has passed with no other attacks, people are starting to question whether the Patriot Act should be scaled back or whether we even need it at all. The Patriot Act addresses several new areas in surveillance. I will touch on a couple of those new provisions and what they mean. Pen Register or Trap and Trace Orders: Currently, law enforcement agencies involved in intelligence investigations can obtain a ‘pen register’ or ‘trap and trace’ order under which they can have access to numbers dialed and received by a particular phone. In order to obtain a pen/trap order, law enforcement must show that the information they are seeking is relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation and that the suspect that they are tracking is ‘in communication with’ someone involved in international terrorism or intelligence activities. This is a much lower standard than the probable cause standard used in criminal investigations. The Patriot Act reduces this standard even further, eliminating the ‘in communication with’ requirement. Law enforcement officials must simply show that the information they are seeking is relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation. Under this provision, when law enforcement requests a pen/trap order from a judge, he must issue it. The judge has no discretion to refuse, even if he/she views it as unnecessary or unjust. These are the types of provisions that concern opponents to the Patriot Act and those who think our privacy is being threatened. Although, it this may help in the fight against terrorists, opponents contend that it could be used against all citizens. I have a hard time believing that law enforcement is going to be wasting their time with people that are not involved in some type of terrorist or criminal activity. This doesn’t mean that the powers could not be abused or that mistakes could not be made. Just that in the grand scheme of things, these instances are unlikely. And if they do happen, the consequences in relation to the issue of national security is not likely to be all that great. The PA also extends the scope of information that can be obtained using a pen/trap order. Law enforcement may now have access to ‘dialing, routing, and signaling’ information where in the past it could only be used to obtain telephone numbers dialed and received. The reference to routing information refer specifically to internet use – either for email or browsing. The PA expressly states that the â€Å"contents† of communications may not be obtained with trap/trace orders, but the PA does not define the term. The FBI began using a new tool called â€Å"Carnivore† to monitor email and instant messages. They claim it will be very effective against terrorists. Opponents claim it can be used against any citizen. Carnivore lets them monitor everyone who uses the same internet provider that the suspect uses, whether they are under investigation or not. The argument is that new rules need to be put into place to prevent innocent people from being tracked instead of relying on the FBI to filter out any non-relevant information. Because content cannot easily be separated from internet routing information, in order to obtain an email address, law enforcement must be given access to the entire email packet and then is entrusted to only viewing the address and deleting the content without viewing it. With internet browsing, content cannot be easily separated from internet routing information either. This is different from telephone calls where the numbers dialed and received can easily be separated from the content of the phone call. The PA increases the scope of subpoenas. In the past, the government could use a subpoena to compel an ISP or website to release the following information about their subscribers: customer’s name, address, length of service, and method of payment. The government could not get credit cards numbers, bank account numbers or other more specific indentifying information. PA now authorizes the government to obtain credit card numbers and bank account numbers through subpoenas. Law enforcement argues that this is essential information as many people register with websites using false names and this is the only way to get a positive ID. There is no judicial review involved in the subpoena process and therefore no check to make sure law enforcement has the proper grounds. As you can see, the PA has given much broader authority to law enforcement personnel. This increase in power has raised alarms from opponents of the PA. Civil libertarians fear that concerns about national security will erode civil liberties. The key is to try and find some sort of balance. The problem is that both sides continue to argue for their point of view. Can there be a balance when you’re talking about our national security? Which is more important? Are civil liberties more important than the national security of our country? I personally don’t see how you can prioritize civil liberties over our national security. History shows that we have underestimated dangers many times in the past. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Cold War espionage, Cuban missile crisis, the Tet Offensive to name a few. There are even theories out there that we had advance knowledge of 9/11. Perhaps we tend to overreact. But we cannot underestimate the importance of national security. We already know that there are plenty of people out there that want to see our destruction. It doesn’t matter what we do, what we say, how we handle things. They want us destroyed no matter what, so this whole theory of trying to figure out what we did wrong or why they hate us is a complete waste of time. Because they don’t care. They have one objective only. I don’t know that we’ll ever be able to strike a balance that is acceptable to both sides. I understand the need to protect civil liberties. The issue I have is that situations sometimes dictate what needs to be done. I don’t think the fears that we’ll lose our civil liberties is a valid one. This idea that they’ll take a little at a time and pretty soon we’ll have none. I just don’t buy it. Not in this Country. It’s too strong, there’s too much individualism in America. The people would never allow it. There would be a revolt before it would ever happen. I guess since I have nothing to hide, I don’t mind that the government has certain powers or takes certain steps to ensure the security of our nation.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Should the Law Continue to Threat Married Couples Differently from Essay

Should the Law Continue to Threat Married Couples Differently from Unmarried Cohabitants in Property Disputes - Essay Example Instead, post-separation property disputes between unmarried cohabitants are resolved by reference to the law of trusts (George, 2008). The decision of the House of Lords in Stack v Dowden addressed one issue arising between unmarried cohabitants in a post-separation property dispute: the correct division of the beneficial interests in the absence of an express declaration of trust in a title deed where both cohabitants hold the legal title (Stack v Dowden, 2007). However, Stack v Dowden does raise some issues about the appropriate principles that should be applied to property disputes in the family contexts regardless of whether the family is comprised of a conventional married couple or not, however, those issues remain unresolved (Gardiner & Davidson, 2011). The primary issue is determining the interpretation of imputing or inferring the parties’ common intention, which remains the primary method of resolving property disputes between unmarried cohabitants (Gardiner & David son, 2011). This paper considers whether or not it is realistic, given the social realities of the modern family to treat post-separation property disputes between married couples and between unmarried cohabitants differently. This paper is divided into two parts. ... on Property Division Between Unmarried Cohabitants There is no statutory authority for the courts to determine how to settle property or property rights relative to unmarried cohabitees who having cohabited for a significant period of time, have come to the decision to separate. Unmarried cohabitees therefore have limited options. They may attempt to have their property disputes resolved by engaging in civil suits if a contract of some sort exists (Deech, 2010). Alternatively, unmarried cohabitants may have the issues resolved by reference to the principles of equity and trusts (Singer, 2009). Under the current state of the applicable principles of equity and trust relative to unmarried cohabitants, the common intention of the parties is the primary method by which the courts attempt to imply a constructive trust in a fair division of the property (Dyson, 2008). The common intention of the parties was first referred to in the case of Lloyds Bank Plc v Rosset (1991). Essentially, the courts will seek to determine whether or not there was a common intention on the part of the parties to divide the property a specific way despite the descriptions rendered by the legal title and the declaration of beneficial interests. The result is the imposition of a constructive trust. Thus a constructive trust imposed by evidence of a common intention is intended to avoid unconscionable consequences in circumstances where the title deeds do not reflect the realities of the acquisition and holding of the property (Pawlowski, 2006). Unfairness arises because, the principle of common intention seeks to determine matters of trust involved in relationships and has evolved as decidedly unclear and unpredictable, making it difficult for unmarried cohabitants to know and assert their property

Friday, September 27, 2019

Evidence vs. Dogma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Evidence vs. Dogma - Essay Example They continue to advocate the Biblical version of events, that an alien being of undetermined construction and origin made not only the earth and everything on it but the entire universe too. Eventually, society will universally embrace evolution as a fact but, as life itself does, society evolves slowly. People who, despite all evidence to the contrary, continue to â€Å"believe† that the God, as described in the Bible, Koran and/or Torah, created everything in the universe are described as â€Å"creationists†, and the pseudo science they ascribe to is called â€Å"creationism.† Creationism attempts to offer evidence to support superstitious beliefs by challenging the scientific theory. Creationists claim that evolution has not been conclusively proven, that it’s just â€Å"a theory.† Creationists require a higher standard of verification from scientists than they are willing to offer for creation. Scientists are asked to satisfy all questions, whe ther realistic or not, pertaining to the origin of life. It’s an impossible task to answer with certainty the question â€Å"how we got here† unless one accepts the Biblical version of events which is all the evidence they need. ... No one has ever actually seen an atom. No one has ever directly observed either electricity or gravity. To even suggest that science cannot deal with unobservable is to display an ignorance of the nature of the scientific enterprise† (Albert, 1986). Scientists can track the ancestry of living things by comparing similar traits and gene mapping techniques. Evolutionists utilize this scientifically sound method, and it has been conclusively demonstrated that human’s nearest relatives are chimpanzees. Genetically speaking, in addition to physically observable similarities, activities such as tool making and similar social structures, the different types of primates, chimps and people are very similar, too much so for it to be just a coincidence. â€Å"Biologists can cite many instances of parallel evolution in which forms that are only distantly related have developed similarities in structure—for example, the almost identical structures of human and octopus eyes.â €  (Albert, 1986). Darwin theorized that animals physically acclimate to a new surrounding over millions of years, a process which he called natural selection. Since Darwin’s lifetime, scientists have also been pointing to mutation as a method of evolution that can be employed in conjunction with Darwin’s theory. On his historic journey to the Galapagos Islands located about 600 miles off the western South American coast, Darwin carefully documented tangible verification for his evolutionary theory. There are 13 islands of the Galapagos chain, all located relatively together, yet they are greatly different geographically, some had tropical-like conditions, others resembled a desert, some rocky, some sandy, for example. Darwin observed clear physical

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Turner Construction Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Turner Construction Company - Essay Example Turner Construction It was founded in the year 1902 by Henry Chandlee Turner with a start-up capital of $25,000 in New York City and one of its first jobs was to build a concrete vault for the Thrift bank in Brooklyn, value of which was only $600. From those humble beginnings, it started carrying out large scale projects both in the private and government sector throughout America, only pausing during the World Wars, when it diverted its focus in the construction of military camps and other government buildings. Tuner and his family members as well as representatives managed the company for close to 90 years, until 1999, when it was acquired by the German construction company HOCHTIEF Germany for $370 million. With the takeover by Hochtief AG, Turner Construction Company got access to majority of Hochtief’s operations in geographical territories like United Kingdom, Australia, etc., as well as to the clients in the heavy construction field. Thus, it is operating as the subsidiary of HOCHTIEF in o ver 40 countries, employing around â€Å"6,000 internal employees and tens of thousands of subcontractors working on up to 1,500 job sites at any given time in 30 states and multiple countries.† (Whitney 2007).... That is, according to some experts, construction industry comes under the manufacturing sector. As Valence (2010) states, as the construction industry provides services like management, coordination and other finances related activities, it has to be classified as a service industry. However, he (2010) further adds that as it also develops and delivers products like buildings and structures, it can be constituted under the manufacturing sector. Langford and Male (2008) validates this confusion by stating that although it is commonly known as a service industry, it is a misnomer to classify so because it comes up physical products in the form of constructions. However at the same time Langford and Male (2008) provides a balanced stance by stating that given the nature and diversity of activities carried out in the construction industry, it can be classified both as a service as well as manufacturing industry. When the service and manufacturing aspect of Turner is focused, it seems tha t Turner Constructions views itself as the service industry. Because, it is stated to offer â€Å"a broad range of construction services, including general contracting, construction management, project management, design-build, multiple building programs, maintenance services, planning and preconstruction and feasibility studies.† ( Although, it offers all the above services to clients in all sectors, however, starting from the recessionary period in 2008, it has restricted itself to focusing on certain sectors. That is, the Turner Construction â€Å"learned a tough lesson in diversification during the late 1980s and 1990s, when commercial contractors suffered from the overbuilding in that sector.† (Wood 2011). So, in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Visual Strategies to Convey Political Information Essay

Visual Strategies to Convey Political Information - Essay Example The image showing a captive without pacho (traditional clothing) shows how prisoners or captives were treated in that land. For a human being to be denied the right to be properly clothed is a sense of humiliation or disrespect in the society. Looking at the picture, it is evident that the prisoners in the land of Israel were treated as useless or rather insignificant. The fact that they lack clothing can also portray that prisoners were not allowed to be in social places. Captives were not allowed to participate in various political activities like voting, inheriting power from their fathers as well as other social activities like wedding. The fear between the Palestine and the Israelis is clearly portrayed when the author says he could see Israelis who were soldiers as well as settlers through the eyes of two Israeli ladies he stood with. It can be drawn that all Israelis men underwent basic military training and for one to acknowledge or recognize a soldier at first sight, it mean s the soldiers had a unique way of dressing through dresses incorporated with swords, their sandals, helmets, and horses. It can also be said that the Israelis were ever ready or alert to protect their soil from their enemies who were mainly Palestine. This fear is further shown when the author invites his new friend so that he could show her the Palestine he saw. He reveals that there was some kind of fear or tension when they passed near an Israeli who is between Palestinians or surrounded by them. From this, it can be drawn that the Israelis and the Palestinians were not in good terms. He lived with the Palestinians for a while and they were kind and friendly to him. However, the moments he is with the Israeli lady, things change and they are no longer kind to him. This shows that the hatred between the two groups was imminent. He explains further that the Palestinians were not pleased with the Israeli lady walking in their market. First, they did not believe a woman could walk t hat free; women were not regarded important and did not enjoy the same privileges as men. Secondly, by seeing the Israeli lady in their territory, they felt under siege. This could have been the main cause of the conflict between the two groups. The author describes how the Israelis treated their enemies who were Palestinians. He uses a character named Ghassan and describes all the activities that followed after his capture. The character was interviewed then subjected to torture. It can be drawn that the Israelis were not kind to the Palestinians. The author uses the hooded character Ghassan to represent the Palestinians held captive in the Israelis’ territory. Hood is a kind of clothing that covers the entire head and ears meaning the captives were to remain ignorant on what was happening around them; they were isolated and blinded so that they could not recognize their torturers, hence, they could not testify against them. The picture of the torture room portrays the ruthl ess and inhuman treatment Ghassan experienced. The struggling voice of the character and the silent body language simply shows how traumatized the victim is. The hood also symbolizes some form of unease among the captives. Moving around with the hood also reveals some degree of entrapment

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Truman Show Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Truman Show - Essay Example The unsuspecting protagonist, who has no idea that everything around him and everyone around him are just behaving the way they are supposed or told to, gives the story a fresh appeal. As the story progresses, each stage if it makes the audience think what would they do if they were in Truman’s place. It makes people wonder what his reaction would be in the end when he finds out about the truth. Even his mother, wife and best friend are part of it so that makes his situation really pathetic. The people whom a person trusts most in the world are all in the plot of filming his life. The world he thinks is real is only make-believe. But then soon he starts picking up clues. He starts discovering the repetitive events have more than habitual meaning to them. Bit by bit he starts to think that he is being set up and he tests things one by one to try and unravel the truth. Although Truman trusts his logic to escape from a scripted world, Can Truman force reality since he was living in Seahaven Island for his entire life? Truman has been living twenty nine years of his life in Seahaven and has not yet come across anything that would force him to think out of the ordinary. He works as an insurance salesman, has a lovely wife who is happy always and has a best friend who was with him since he was seven years old. The town is also a dream come true, very neat with everyone smiling at each other and greeting them with sheer respect. The only incident that is seen to be haunting Truman is the death of his father, which took place when they went for sailing when he was a kid. He feels guilty for this incident as it was his curiosity and stubbornness that took him on the trip during the storm. This incident still lingers in him and he has developed hydrophobia. Even though his whole life is â€Å"broadcast 24 hours a day† he has no idea about it. (Weschler 1) That is until one day, a light projector falls from the supposed beautiful, normal sky. Soon more event s start adding up to it, like the time when he drives and he can hear on the radio every turn that he takes, when he goes to his office he finds that inside the lift there is a TV set etc. He even starts to understand that there is more to the things that happen around him than just everyday routine. When he sits in the car and watches from the mirror the order in which the man with the cycle, the man with the flowers etc keep passing here and there and when he takes his wife on a spontaneous ride the traffic just magically appears. The most surprising fact is that everyone knows Truman’s name, are very courteous and ready to help him with anything. He starts to figure out gradually that his life has been set up. He resolves to get away from Seahaven but everything comes in his way. It is like he has no way to escape from that place. He tries talking to his wife and friend but they too behave as though nothing his wrong. But Truman feels it in his guts that everyone is hiding something from him. Chritsof is the creator of this TV show. The man who has invested and spent millions to make a show like this, with the so-called intention of creating a safe world for his corporation adopted son Truman. He can be perceived as God as he is the one who controls everyone and everything in Truman’s life. He is the one who decides and chooses for Truman. All that Truman has to do is get up everyday and go to sleep every night, the rest is controlled by â€Å"the creator.† On one hand, Christof can be seen as a devil who controls

Monday, September 23, 2019

Importance of reserch and development to an innovative company Assignment

Importance of reserch and development to an innovative company - Assignment Example With reference to the context, it can be observed that Exxon Mobil Corporation from the United States has comprehensively introduced R&D management into its business process. With due consideration to the aspect, the paper intends to discuss about the ways in which Exxon Mobil makes use of R&D in its business operational process to obtain an edge over its market competitors. Exxon Mobil is one of the leading multinational and publicly traded oil and gas companies of the world having its headquarters in Irving, Texas, United States. It was created in the year 1999 after the merger between Exxon and Mobil and is recognized as a decedent company of Standard Oil founded by John D. Rockefeller. In serving the local communities with oil and gas along with other petrochemicals, Exxon Mobil has been able to expand its business operations on a global basis. Consequently, it has been able to achieve certain milestones which can be identified as the business segments of Exxon Mobil has expanded overseas within a very short span of time. Furthermore, in expanding business to overseas, Exxon Mobil has been capable to possess 31 refineries of oil. With the help of the final products produced in these refineries, Exxon Mobil is serving 21 countries with their products. Contextually, with the help of the sustainable performances in the recent years, Exxon Mobil has ach ieved the status of being the number one corporation in the USA according to Forbes Global 2000 list of the year 2012 by increasing its organizational revenues and profits (Forbes, 2012). Moreover, for surviving in the competitive marketplace, Exxon uses innovative and modern technologies in order to develop an aggressive and advanced operational process for serving the customers. In accordance with the aspect, it is observed that Exxon Mobil has introduced R&D management into its operational process (Exxon Mobil, 2012). R&D management can be defined as the management

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Arthur Schopenhauer Essay Example for Free

Arthur Schopenhauer Essay Arthur Schopenhauer is a German philosopher who was born on February 22nd, 1788 and died on September 21st, 1860. He was born in the city of Danzig but later moved to the city of Hamburg where he became interested in studying metaphysics, ethics and psychology. Schopenhauer is known as the philosopher of Pessimism because he created a theory that challenged the value of existence. Schopenhauer’s main focus was on individual motivation ‘the will’ and how human desires cause pain and suffering. He wrote a book on the will called The World as Will and Representation. This book was a collaboration of Kant’s idea of idealism with his own theory on that the will is the thing-in-itself. Schopenhauer was greatly influenced by thinkers like Kant and Plato. He as well influenced thinkers like Sigmund Freud, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Friedrich Nietzsche. Summary of Ideas: The ‘Will†: Schopenhauer believed that humans were only motivated by their basic desires. He believed that human desires only cause suffering and pain. As well he believed that human desires are illogical and directionless. He believed that the will controls all aspects of human life. Schopenhauer’s ideas on the will are similar to the ideas of Buddhism and the four noble truths. He believed that free will exists but humans are not able to achieve it because everything is determined by how the body reacts to a situation. He stated that Man can indeed do what he wants, but he cannot will what he wants. †(On the Freedom of the Will) Ethics: The basics of Schopenhauer ethics is about compassion. He believes compassion can’t be taught but only learned by experience. Compassion is the knowledge of seeing someone suffer equally to a suffering they have faced in their life and being able to relate and have sympathy for them. Schopenhauer distinguishes a good person not from the nature of their actions but the level of compassion they have for them. He believes that the difference between a good person and a normal person is distinguished by when seeing someone suffer the good person will sacrifice his own well-being for the other person. Therefore he takes on all their troubles. Schopenhauer believes this is the highest degree in ethical conduct. Pessimism: Schopenhauer believes since the will has no purpose or goal that the will can never achieve satisfaction. He believes the main goal of existence is to gain satisfaction but trying to achieve it is unsustainable because it leads to frustration. For that reason he says existence of human beings can only be characterized by suffering. He believes this theory is for all animals and since humans have a higher intellectual capacity that they will suffer more in life than any other animal. He as well stated that even using reasoning will not change the amount of suffering the person experiences because reason only increases the suffering. Schopenhauer concludes that nonexistence is and should be more preferable then existence. He believes people should realize that to exist is to suffer and the goal in life for people should be to try and resist one’s desires. Application: Animal Welfare: Schopenhauer believed humans and animals are essentially equal and the same. He believed that everything is basically will and that humans and animals are the same because they can recognize characteristics and emotion in each other. Schopenhauer stated â€Å"Unlike the intellect, it [the Will] does not depend on the perfection of the organism, but is essentially the same in all animals as that which is known to us so intimately. Accordingly, the animal has all the emotions of humans, such as joy, grief, fear, anger, love, hatred, strong desire, envy, and so on. The great difference between human and animal rests solely on the intellects degrees of perfection. (On the Will in Nature, Physiology and Pathology) He believed that a good person will have compassion for animals when they are hurt because they are fellow sufferers. People who are cruel to animals are not good people because they do not have compassion.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Alcoholic Beverage and Quantum Software Essay Example for Free

Alcoholic Beverage and Quantum Software Essay Quantum Software does indeed have a problem involving a disagreement in the appropriateness of a company sponsored social activity. This weekly gathering is offered by Quantum’s management as a reward for their productiveness displayed throughout the week. While the get-together appears to be very popular among employees and managers alike, there is at least one party (Bill, the corporate attorney) who voices objection to the weekly festivity (Brown Harvey, 1995). The problems can be defined in terms of macro; issues having to do with leadership, resources, and the surrounding infrastructure, and micro, which include internal issues such as employee training, empowerment and organizational processes. (Packard 2005). The macro issue is that there is a difference in opinion on whether or not the â€Å"beer bust† is an appropriate means of rewarding the company’s employees. Stan and Erin, the founders of Quantum Software, feel that this time is beneficial because it provides an opportunity to â€Å"encourage the team concept† (Brown Harvey, 1995). Bill however, after witnessing an employee stumbling as a result of his drinking, questions the company’s liability of providing alcohol during the workday. The micro issue, although not specifically stated in the study, is that coworkers are subject to seeing each other as well as members of management in an intoxicated state; creating a situation where professional integrity could be compromised. The cause for the conflict is the fact that the company is offering its employees alcohol during work hours, creating a situation where Quantum would be held liable should an accident occur at work or as the employees were leaving the office. Additional concerns are warranted in considering that not all employees (based on statistically studies of drinking in the workplace) will be included in an event where drinking alcohol is involved (NZMA, 2006). Additionally, studies show that organizations that encourage drinking at work have a higher rate of employees with drinking problems; which can greatly affect worker performance (National Institute On Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism, 2006). Alternative opportunities should be offered to the employees that would achieve the goals that Stan and Erin have set of creating an atmosphere where workers can â€Å"blow off a little steam† without providing alcohol (Brown Harvey, 1995). Recognizing that the workers are adults and have the ability to make responsible decisions in regards to drinking, perhaps a social committee could provide an alternate experience to the â€Å"beer bust† that does not conflict with the interest of Quantum Software. There are two recommendations that I would offer to the management team of Quantum Software. First, the monies dedicated to offering the current â€Å"beer bust† should be redirected to an offering that includes all employees, including those that do not drink. This will provide an inclusive atmosphere where all employees can participate. Second, an off-property location should be established by a social committee (not management) where employees have the opportunity to â€Å"socialize over a beer without the pressure of work† (Brown Harvey, 1995). This way the employees are on their own time and are responsible for their own actions; relieving Quantum Software of any responsibility for its employee’s actions. References Brown, D. Harvey D. (2006). An experimental approach to organization and development. Upper Saddle River: Pearson National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (2008). Alcohol and the workplace Retrieved March 23, 2008 from http://alcoholism. about. com/od/work/l/blnaa44. htm NZMA (2006). Alcohol consumption. Retrieved March 23, 2008 from http://www. nzma. org. nz/journal/116-1184/645/Figures%20and%20tables. pdf Packard,T. (1995). TQM and organizational change and development. Retrieved March 23, 2008 from http://www. improve. org/tqm. html#Exhibit%20I:%20A%20Force%20Field %20.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Routine Activities Theory (RAT) and Reaction To Crime

Routine Activities Theory (RAT) and Reaction To Crime The RAT also known as the routine activities theory was founded in 1979 by two theorists name Marcus Felson and Lawrence Cohen (Miller, Mitchell, Richard, 2006). It was a reaction to crime rate in the US during the years of 1947-1974 states (Cohen Marcus, 1979). This was a time where both crime rate and economic conditions were increasing which made this a very popular theory reason for this was this theory was the only one to address crime at this point in time. Felson and Cohen based their theory on the rational choice model, which meant people made rational decision which was at their advantage and causing very little disadvantage (Akers Sellers, 2004). (Miller, Mitchell, Richard, 2006) The rational choice theory was the main concept in the classical school of criminology. Throughout this essay we will be looking at whether the routine activities theory prevent crime or displace crime. In order for a crime to occur, Felson and Cohen state there are three key elements which need to be present in order for the crime to be successful, these three elements are; a suitable target, a motivated offender, and absence of capable guardians (Cohen Marcus, 1979). (Akers Sellers, 2004) Suggests that if any of the three elements are to be missing the crime will not take place.The RAT is a framework which provides understanding of how crime occurs. Crime could be altered by manipulating any of the elements, therefore the methodology behind the RAT is crime prevention, and focuses on how crime is made. RAT explains that crime is normal and depends on the opportunities. The perfect type of crime which fits the profile of this theory is burglary. Burglary is a type of crime which is can be considered as a property crime, which is widespread in almost all communities. There are two major problems which can be caused by this type of crime;victims lose their possessions and the other is the amount which the crime puts on the individual.Although the RAT is a new theory, it can be said that this theory could help explain many crimes. The RAT is particularly successfully in explaining burglary. The RAT is a crime preventing methodology, only at time does it prevent crime from occurring but most of the time it displaces crime. Since the RAT is based on peoples routine and patterns on daily activates, taking a perfect of a person who works Monday to Friday and return home after work has a very low chances of becoming a victim (assault and robbery), but if that person is to attend major events such as sports, gigs where the amount of contact with people is huge are likely to become victims of a crime. in recent years there have been a lack of capable guardian and a pattern of excessive drinking which have caused death of two girls, although this hasoccurred patterns and movement in everyday life have changed in the last 30 years. It has changed so dramatically that having to remove both guardians from the house is likely to reduce the offenders chances of getting caught during a day time burglary, the RAT argues the point that crime is unlikely to occur when the presences of e lement to exist (Cohen Marcus, 1979). Most crime are result from exploited opportunity, rather than planning the crime they choose to commit crime spontaneously when the opportunity arises, some are more tempting then others. (Felson Clarke , 1998) has said that there are two acronyms which have been put in place to examine suitability of targets for crime, a: VIVA (standing for value, inertia, visibility, and access) and b: CRAVED; concealable, removable, available, valuable, enjoyable, and disposability which are the elements of conceal ability and disposability (Clarke, 1999) Visible target which are worth value are portable and easy to get at. Since RAT looks at the patterns and movement of daily activities for people it is can prevent crime and also at the same time displace crime, if a person can alter any of the three elements can crime could be prevented or displace depending on the outcome of the alteration. Reppetto (1976) has stated that there are five types of displacement. Spatial and territorial displacement-this happen to most common crimes, this is when crime is moved from one place to the other. Several researches have been made to see the movement for example (Chainey, 2000) found that CCTV is effect way to see the reduction in auto thefts and robbery. However some auto theft occurred in surrounding areas, but robberies didnt. Temporal displacement occurs when there is a movement in time when occurring, the crime for example the offender moving from weekday morning to weekend morning, but crime occurs in the same area. Important to RAT as it analysis pattern and movement. Target displacement-occurs when offends cannot get their target due to target hardening and other strategies put in place to stop offenders such as dogs, house alarms etc. Tactical displacement-when the criminal comes up with a new method of committing the crime, for example carjacking was easier 10-15 years ago than today. Functional displacement this occurs when it is difficult for an offender to commit and crime and is forced to commit another crime due to target hardening. In conclusion, there have been several approaches to studying victimology, they have suggested that the understanding the target, understanding the pattern and victim of crime that make offenders more attractive can provide important information and the examination of the crime. Knowing people and places where offenders are going to target and when the crime is likely to occur can be critical in preventing or reducing crime. The RAT is a perfect theory which provides patterns and analysis of day to day activities for individual who are a target, this also provides on which was this attack can be prevented but mostly the way that is can be displaces. This is a piratical theory which can provide information to victims on how to prevent of displace crime f5rom occurring and make them feel safe.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Ida B. Wells Essay -- essays research papers

Ida B. Wells was a woman dedicated to a cause, a cause to prevent hundreds of thousands of people from being murdered by lynching. Lynching is defined as to take the law into its own hands and kill someone in punishment for a crime or a presumed crime. Ida B. Wells’ back round made her a logical spokesperson against lynching. She drew on many experiences throughout her life to aid in her crusade. Her position as a black woman, however, affected her credibility both in and out of America in a few different ways.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Her parents nurtured the background of this crusader to make her a great spokesperson. She also held positions throughout her life that allowed her to learn a lot about lynching. She was fueled by her natural drive to search for the truth. Wells was born into slavery in Holly Springs, Mississippi. Her father, James Wells, was a carpenter and her mother was a cook. After the Civil War her parents became politically active. Her father was known as “race'; man, a term given to African Americans involved in the leadership of the community. He was a local businessman, a mason, and a member of the Board of Trustees of Shaw University. Both parents provided Ida with strong role models. They worked hard and held places of respect in the community as forward-looking people. James and Elizabeth (mother) Wells instilled their daughter a keen sense of duty to God, family, and community. Ida’s background was strengthene...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Dunkin Donuts Hypothetical Marketing Strategy Case Essay -- Business

Dunkin’ Donuts was first established in 1950, in Quincy, Massachusetts, by William Rosenberg. Over the years the company expanded and now is the largest coffee and baked goods chain in the world. They serve over 5,500 retail outlets; selling more than 4 million doughnuts and 2.7 million cups of coffee daily! Dunkin’ Donuts are famous for their many varieties of doughnuts and their wide range of bakery products - muffins, bagels and munchkins ® donut hole treats. Their products are represented by more than 6,590 worldwide points of distribution, including approximately 4,815 units in the United States alone. History of Dunkin’ Donuts 1946: Bill Rosenberg invests $5,000, forms Industrial Luncheon Services. 1948: Bill Rosenberg opens donut shop "Open Kettle" in Quincy, Massachusetts. 1950: "Open Kettle" name changed to Dunkin’ Donuts. 1955: First franchise agreement signed and executed in Worcester, Massachusetts. 1960: Bill Rosenberg founds the International Franchising Association. 1963: 100th Dunkin’ Donuts shop opens. 1966: Dunkin’ Donuts University (DDU) is created. 1970: First overseas Dunkin’ Donuts shop opens in Japan. 1972: MUNCHKINS ® donut hole treats are introduced. 1978: Introduction of freshly baked muffins. First network TV commercials are aired. 1979: 1,000th U.S. Dunkin’ Donuts shop opens. 1980: Largest Dunkin’ Donuts shop in the world opens in Thailand with seating for 130. 1982: Fred the Baker, TIME TO MAKE THE DONUTS ® television campaign begins. 1990: Allied Domecq purchases Dunkin’ Donuts. 1995: 1000th international Dunkin’ Donuts shop opens in Thailand. Hazelnut and French Vanilla coffees are introduced as companions to Dunkin’ Donuts' famous Original Blend. 1996: Dunkin’ Donuts introduces ... ...the process of finding a new supplier. 5. Selecting the Optimal Alternative Due to the growth in the bagel industry, all U.S. production facilities capable of making bagels were signing long term supplier contracts with different firms hence leaving very few opportunities for additional capacity to be obtained. In order to still thrive in the bagel industry, Dunkin’ Donuts should not terminate their contract with Harold’s Bakery. Rather, they should gradually continue with the rollout by limiting advertising and the pace of store expansion. In the meantime they should assist Harold’s Bakery to find more co-packers in the short term. References: †¢ †¢,9263,7601960401,00.html †¢ †¢

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Contrast the Characters of Agamemnon and Jason Essay

Both Agamemnon and Jason share intrinsic similarities in that they are both the tragic heroes of their plays: Aeschylus’ ‘Agamemnon’ and Euripides’ ‘Medea’ respectively. However, they do not share the same fate. Agamemnon is killed for what he has done, whereas those close to Jason emotionally and politically are killed to spite Jason. Both characters are detested by their wives, but for different reasons. Agamemnon has sacrificed his daughter and Jason has left his wife to marry entirely for personal gain. Agamemnon’s motives were that he had to fulfil his oath to help the husband of Helen should she ever leave/be taken. His motives were better than Jason’s, who left his wife for his own gain. Medea had two sons so he could not justify leaving her because of childlessness. However, Jason has not killed anyone, which Agamemnon has. Also, leaving a wife would not have been uncommon, and so it is not as significant as it would be had the events taken place today. Both characters thank the gods for their successes. When Agamemnon first arrives on stage he thanks the gods for his victory and safe return home. When Medea challenges Jason and attacks him for what he has done to her, despite all she has done to help him, he claims that although she did do some things, the one who helped him the most was Aphrodite. Both Jason and Agamemnon are either not arrogant or stupid enough not to thank the gods for their achievements. All four parties, Jason, Agamemnon, Medea and Clytemnestra have deceived their counterpart at some point. Agamemnon sends for Iphigenia without telling her or Clytemnestra what he plans to do. Jason does not tell Medea about his marriage to Glauce until after it has happened. Medea has to lure Jason into a false sense of security and so apologises to him, telling him he is right and she wrong and that she was angry. This prevents him from suspecting her. Clytemnestra deceives Agamemnon by welcoming him home. Even Agamemnon thinks she is exaggerating, saying that she is â€Å"grovelling† and that the â€Å"speech to suit (his) absence, (was) much too long†. Both Agamemnon and Jason are insensitive. Neither refers to his wife by name. Agamemnon only refers to Clytemnestra as â€Å"Leda’s daughter†. They expect everything they have done to their wives to be ignored and everything to be left without any mention of what they have done. Jason goes as far as saying that Medea should be thanking him when she confronts him. He says that she lives in Greece, rather than â€Å"an uncivilised country†, and had also â€Å"won renown.† In saying that he would rather not have â€Å"gold in (his) house) or the skill to sing a song lovelier than Orpheus sang† unless a famous name came with it, he reveals a part of his character. He wants to be famous; he wants his name to be known, at the expense of other things. Medea has noticed this. During her argument with Jason she says that â€Å"it was marriage to a foreigner that you would detract from that great name of yours†. Jason also shows his insensitivity by claiming that he married Glauce entirely out of his wanting to look after Medea and their sons. He claims that he did this so that they could â€Å"live comfortably and not go without anything.† If there were any good intentions of Jason, he then loses any chance of Medea genuinely agreeing and calming down when he says that he can â€Å"ensure (his) prosperity by â€Å"joining (their) two families†. This shows that he is prepared to use his family in order to preserve his comfort and wealth, and indicates that Jason can be selfish. The greeting of Agamemnon by Clytemnestra is ironic. Among the first things she says to him is that â€Å"(their) child is gone† and that â€Å"by all rights (their) child should be (there)†. She means Iphigenia of course, but covers this up by quickly adding after a pause, â€Å"†¦Orestes†. Later on in the same speech she simply says the sentence â€Å"Our child is gone.† She hints about her anger but covers them up, Agamemnon not specifically referring to them. The sympathies of the chorus change in both plays. In Medea, the chorus of Corinthian women strongly supports Medea at the beginning of the play, sympathising with her. However, they begin to pity Jason and no longer support Medea when Medea says she is going to kill her own children to spite Jason. In Agamemnon, the chorus is made up of old men who are too old to fight in Troy. They, if grudgingly, admire Clytemnestra. They respect her plan with the beacons so she would know when Troy had fallen, saying after she told them it was her that it was â€Å"spoken like a man†. However, they lose this respect when they find out that Clytemnestra has killed Agamemnon, their king who they admire for destroying Troy. Because of the action of Jason and Agamemnon, many innocent people are killed. In ‘Agamemnon’, Cassandra is killed by Clytemnestra, despite the fact that Cassandra is a captive and had nothing to do with the death of Iphigenia. In ‘Medea’, Glauce, Creon and Jason and Medea’s sons are killed by Medea. These innocent victims in both plays are certainly not deserving of what happens to them. Because of what Jason and Agamemnon have done to hurt their wives, five people have been needlessly killed. Both Agamemnon and Jason care about their children. In ‘Agamemnon’, Clytemnestra says to Agamemnon, â€Å"you seem startled†, upon hearing the news that Orestes is gone. Additionally, in Euripides ‘Iphigenia in Aulis’, Agamemnon tries to send a message to Iphigenia to tell her to return home. When the message fails to get through, he tells Menelaus that he â€Å"will not kill (his) daughter.† After being persuaded to change his mind, realising he has no choice, he is still pained to do it, saying that her â€Å"hand’s touch brings swift tears flooding from (his) eyes.† Jason, after hearing the news that his sons are dead and during his confrontation with Medea he reveals how he longs â€Å"to clasp them, to kiss (their) dear lips†. What have Medea and Clytemnestra sacrificed? Clytemnestra has lost a daughter, and this is her sole motivation for killing Agamemnon. Medea, however, has betrayed her family, left her home and killed her own brother to help Jason in every way she can. Jason has abandoned her after she has had two sons when she is in a foreign land with no friends or family to fall back on entirely for his own personal gain. She has then been told she has to leave the country, and she has been forced to flee to another foreign country at some point. Medea is more justified in wanting revenge. She is a far worse position than Clytemnestra, who still lives in her home with friends and family close by in the palace at Mycenae and has a new husband. Medea has also been very poorly thanked for her role in making sure Jason escapes Colchis with the Golden Fleece.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Guitar Concert Reaction Paper Essay

The guitar concert last September 7 2012 was indeed a show not to miss. It presented various styles and techniques that created a very wonderful piece of art. There were many factors that made the concert more than pleasing to the spectators that were present that night. First was the aura that the concert created, it was calm yet powerful which in my point of view really made the concert not boring or easy to fall asleep. The way the guitar, violin and the Chapman stick were played together was truly above the normal capabilities of a trained person. It was really harmonious as if the players were unconsciously playing their instruments. It was really like it was a part of their body. Next, I will focus on the three instruments present in the concert and point them out individually and their effect on the quartet. First is the violin and the violinist. The violin was a great builder of harmony in the quartet as it balances the missing pieces that the guitar and the Chapman stick was not able to provide. Considering the fact that the violin as a single instrument is already good enough, it’s incorporation with the quartet was truly heavenly. The violinist was really good and truly a master in his own rights. His solos we’re magnificent and it was like he was playing with his heart out. I think that is the secret when it comes not only when playing a violin or any other instruments but also in all art forms for it to be considered successful. Next are the guitar and the guitarist. As a guitar player I am amazed on how Sir Nobel executed not only his solos but all his performances that night. He did not strum that much but he performed a very wonderful series of plucking. The guitar piece for â€Å"The Swan† was the most wonderful part of the concert because of his resiliency in the manner of his playing. It was like he really made the guitar sound like piano it was really just magical. Lastly, the Chapman stick and Miss Clutario. It was fun to see an uncommon instrument played for public. At first I was really curious on how the instrument will sound like and after she pluck/tapped the string I felt happy and not disappointed that I attended the concert. The fact that it was a dual type of instrument is outstanding. Its ability to play both rhythm and bass was just awesome. To sum it all up my experience in the guitar concert was truly worth it. I think it should cost more than a hundred but considering the fact that I’m kind off short on money, 100 is just enough. The harmony between the three was perfect that I have chills down my spine when the quartet performed with the Chapman stick and Miss Clutarios voice so heavenly. Finally the concert is really a form of getaway for it helped me relax and forget all my problems in life.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Intermediate Sanctions

Intermediate sanctions are the sanctions that are more restrictive than the probation and less restrictive than imprisonment. It is also intended to relieve the pressure on the over crowed facilities that deal with the corrections and the probation departments that are understaffed. The purpose for the intermediate sanction in the criminal justice process is that it helps with any of the concerns from the facilities being packed and over crowed. Jails and the prisons are packed more this century then the last century. It also helps with the short staff that is in the offices and the probation officers short staffed. The government should take it under consideration that the criminal justice system needs the staff and the money to make the criminal justice organization work together. There are two functions as a sentencing alternative in the intermediate sanction. They are to divert the offenders from the overcrowded jails or prisons. The second one is to place the different offenders under the higher levels of the control. It is the risk that the community poses to. * I believe that the intermediate sanctions are not an appropriate punishment. People should not have to serve their time behind bars because they prisons and jail cells are over packed and crowded. The government should put in more funds so that if people do the crime, then they should do the time. Also, probation is an advantage and that people should not be misused. * In conclusion, I believe that the intermediate sanction can work out if people do not take advantage of the probation punishment. This punishment should only be used if there is no room in the jail cell or the prisons. I believe that once someone does a crime, that that person may do it again.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Reality TV Shows Essay

The reality TV is a television genre, usually on a feuilleton mode, the daily life of anonymous or celebrities. So it is Type of television show that take the life of one of celebrities or anonymous as a subject , whereupon come into contact with reality through presenting of facts in a manner most likely devoid of any goal, but the goal of truth itself. Reality shows often borrow from other television genres such as documentary, game, variety or fiction. The reality TV could gain a large number of viewers because of the modern TV show methods and the way where it approach of people’s lives and their dreams. In addition to the use of modern methods in the announcement of the programs and the desire to provoke and thrill viewers to keep watching it. TV stations followed the method of engaging viewers in this kind of TV shows through voting via SMS and the Internet, and this method make these stations earn a lot of viewers and advertisers, and thus enormous financial benefits. Reality TV programs are very profitable because the cost of production is very low and the TV channels are gaining a lot of money through SMS sent by viewers to eliminate or save a particular candidate. One cannot deny that this type of TV show is used seduction and temptation in many of its parts, and the goal is clear to everyone is to attract teenagers in particular, and in addition to those looking for entertainment watching this kind of TV shows. And therefore it is not reasonable that all what appears in those shows are the reality and truth with the utmost impartiality. And it’s good to recognize that the producers of this type of TV Shows are interfering in some detail canvassers offer candidates a dramatic way and sometimes comedy way at other times and the ultimate goal is to make audience cling to these candidates. It is clear that this type of TV shows are a pure profit for each of the television stations and telecommunications companies that offer SMS services as well as to advertisers who are interested in eventually display their ads  within commercial peak period where the number of viewers upper margin.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Business Reporting and Strategic Planning

In present scenario, every business depends on computers for every type of task from data entry to reporting and strategic planning. The software are the basic need of companies for communication, entertainment and reporting tools. The need of accounting software is very obvious as there is severe requirement of tracking assets and handling transactions on regular basis. MYOB is an accounting software that is being used by small traders and new start-ups in Australia. LiveAccounts is its first accounting software that is based in cloud based accounting solution. This software has minimized functions specially designed for small businesses. By using this software small businesses can easily manage finances on cloud anytime anywhere through internet. (, 2016) The complete business data is saved on cloud. It makes the information available at all times in updated form. Due to cloud storage the data is stored on a centralized cloud server. This server is shared among all the employees of company. It has a very simple and clear interface, which allows all the basic functionalities in very easy manner. As the application is very light weighted, it can easily accessible through virtual machines. (BIT, 2016)This software provides the facility of raising invoices, payroll generation on monthly basis for employees, track expenses of organiz ation and the managing GST online. Automatic banking integrated feeds will ensure the income tax calculation, deductions and bonuses features. MYOB accounting software is the short form of Mind Your Own Business. It is a well-known brand name of an Australian MNC. This company deals in the software related to accounting, retail, CRM, HRM, tax products and payroll software along with web hosting support for small and medium sized businesses. These products are mainly adopted in Australia and New Zealand. This company was started in 1980 founded by Christopher Lee and Teleware Inc. Teleware was later on adopted by Best software Inc. in 1993. It is a public sector company having headquarter at Glen Waverley, Victoria in Australia. The MYOB software is available in two versions the trial version and licensed version. (, 2016) The trail version is available for limited time period (30 days) and it can be converted anytime in the licensed version. Trail version is used for evaluation purpose only. In case of trail version user can create and access company files for 30 days only. After it user must purchase the full version of this software. As per the MYOB business letter reveals that near about 35% Australian companies having their own websites and only 18% of them are actively using social networking sites for the promotion of their business. (, 2016) The most of the users who are actively using the social media in present conditions in Australia are 27%. This figure can be classify as 24% of users who belong to age group 18-39, 22% business owners who belong to Retail and Hospitality, 20% businesses spend on advertise on websites and only 20% of businesses use SEO/SEM in their market trends. Although the earlier data available explains about the low adoption of technologies in business but the latest figures shown by MYOB CEO Tim Reed explains that online marketing is now growing in Australia. (, 2016) MYOB has gained a huge rise with the completion of Banklink purchase in Australia recently. MYOB has disclosed that it has successfully completed the purchasing of accounting solution provider of New Zealand named Banklink In the accounting software market of Australia, there are three main big companies on limelight, MYOB, Intuit and Xero. (Heber, 2015) The main competition among these companies is for dominance. This software provides the convenience of tracking accounts in a simple way. The need of physical books, invoices is now not necessary and all the decisions regarding cash flow can be manage through the software. The main objective of all these companies is to capture the market share, and they are actively involved to do anything for this. There is a huge contribution of these companies in the market share of accounting software. MYOB has built successfully its own offering and managing its market share between $AU831.7 and $AU833.8 million. If we discuss about the Xero, it is a new venture which spends near about $250 million on the software development. The company has more than 400000 clients across the globe, which uses transactions and invoice services of the software in the ratio of 240:95 The Intuit is also planning for the heavy investment in Australia. The accounting software has a wide scope in the Australian market. Intuit has developed the functioning of PDF data extraction, which supports the data extraction from bills and automated entry in software. MYOB is now in condition of valuing the company at a very impressive enterprise vale that exists in between $A2.34 and $A2.69 billion. As per the Evans and Partner the analysis figures if all these three companies can be represented as: As we have seen that there is a huge competition between MYOB, Xero and Intuit in the market of accounting software. In this section we are going to elaborate the comparison between the Xero and MYOB and the outcome is that both products have their own advantages and disadvantages. Not any of the products is completely fit the need of customer. For example if there is requirement to handle exchanging of transactions and stock control then MYOB is much preferred as compare to Xero. If we have to deal with small sized business then Xero is preferred and it offers the services in very easy and simple manner. (, 2016) Because of the competition every company tries to provide the services in an efficient and much better way. Following are the advantages on various parameters: MYOB provides the online services with the facility of cashbook having cost of $16 per month and the accounting facility on the cost of $29 per month. MYOB facilitates the Account right live that can be used on desktops and is not fully online. Although it has slow speed and higher cost but it will be resolve in the coming future as per the commitment of MYOB. MYOB provides the Account right premier that is available for desktop only and it has the capability to handle the management of inventory and foreign exchange. This is used mainly in large business organizations. MYOB provides the facility of data storage on cloud also. That’s why the data security must be taken seriously. The software has the option of security implementation that is very secure for online banking system. MYOB live is the cloud product that can be used in online as well as in offline mode. There is provision to toggle between the two modes. Only we have to deal with the versions that will be created in this case by syncing data on regular basis. The major concern in the implementation of MYOB is providing data security. (Technologies, 2016)Â   This is the major concern as the software can be accessed in online way and it increases the chances of vulnerability issues. Although MYOB has very high security architecture, some of the organizations are not able to follow security aspects. Second challenge regarding MYOB is that it is not an easy to use software, the employees of organization must be trained for this. Third challenge is that some of the organizations are not able to take advantage of cloud automation through MYOB. It is very difficult to arrange appropriate training sessions or webinars for the MYOB essentials. Although MYOB is very efficient software but for the successful implementation we must pay attention towards the following key factors: (, 2016) Protecting the sensitive information from unauthorized access is very important. In MYOB the company files can be secure by taking appropriative security measures. (, 2016) It must be ensure that the company files must be secure. This can be possible by providing appropriate credentials to each user account. Passwords must be strong as per the pattern specified, such as it must contain minimum 8 characters long having combination of alphabets, numeric and special characters. It must be ensure that company files must be secured by applying password. In MYOB files can be protected through AccountRight. By using this feature a password can be set for every user even for specific task, they can perform in company files. In every business organization, the systems must be protected by using a firewall. It restricts internet users for accessing system. To install the firewall on system, windows XP or above operating system can be used. Computer viruses and malwares can proved themselves dangerous from the security concerns. Before downloading and storing any file on the system, it must be scanned for any virus or malware attack. The conclusion of this literature review can be elaborated as the accounting software is the basic need of business organizations in Australia. (Bookkeepers Sunshine Coast, 2013) MYOB is software which can be used for various activities to overcome the errors and difficulties those were present in traditional manual system. Computerized system is integrated in well manner and once the data is inputted in the system, it will be recorded in different records at the same time. Using accounting software will lead a high speed processing in automated form which will generate accurate and fast invoices, purchase order and payroll documents. These are some of the positive points of using MYOB as accounting software. If any user wants to use this software he can download the trail version and after having look of various services they can go for full version. (2016). An Introduction to MYOB LiveAccounts | Articles. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Aug. 2016]. Heber, A. (2015). The cloud accounting supremacy war in Australia. [online] Business Insider Australia. Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug. 2016]. (2016). MYOB Security Recommendations. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug. 2016]. Technologies, R. (2016). MYOB: Benefits and Challenges for your Organisation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug. 2016]. (2016). The Advantages of Using Computerised Accounting Software, MYOB, Mind Your Own Business. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug. 2016]. (2016). Development-X | add-on developer for MYOB accounting software. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug. 2016]. (2016). Review of Cloud Accounting (Xero, Saasu, MYOB Essentials, QuickBooks) | Business IT. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Aug. 2016]. (2016). Key sectors leading online business adoption – MYOB Findings. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Aug. 2016]. BIT. (2016). 7 accounting packages for Australian small businesses compared: including MYOB, QuickBooks Online, Reckon, Xero. [online] Available at:,7-accounting-packages-for-australian-small-businesses-compared-including-myob-quickbooks-online-reckon-xero.aspx [Accessed 17 Aug. 2016]. (2016). MYOB Add-On Centre | find great 3rd party tools to augment MYOB Business Management Software. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Aug. 2016].

The United Nations mission in Cyprus was initiated by the global Essay

The United Nations mission in Cyprus was initiated by the global community - Essay Example UNFICYP was initially developed by the Security Council in 1964 to avoid further hostility between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot population1. After the conflicts of 1974, the Council commanded the Force to execute certain supplementary functions. Without a political agreement to the Cyprus problem, UNFICYP has stayed on the island to supervise armistice lines, preserve a buffer zone, embark on humanitarian activities as well as sustain the proper offices mission of the Secretary-General. Subsequent to the 1974 Greek Cypriot overthrow and the Turkish offensive of Cyprus, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) expanded and enlarged the mission to avert the dispute spinning into war, and UNFICYP was dispatched to patrol the United Nations Buffer Zone in Cyprus and support in the maintenance of the armed status quo. Since its founding, the force has further worked in conjunction with the special envoy of the Secretary-General and diplomats of the two communities to inquire about an amicable discreet solution to the Cyprus row. Primarily, UNFICYP consisted of armed and civilian groups drawn from Finland, Sweden, Australia, Ireland, United Kingdom and Canada, though over its long history the force has been the theme of various UNSC declarations and restructurings, and currently encompasses contingents from Hungary, Croatia, Argentina, Peru, Italy, Australia, Slovakia, Montenegro, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, El Salvador Netherlands, India, Canada, Ireland, United King dom, and Ukraine. This paper evaluates the Cyprus problem from the perspective of the UN mission and its mandate on the island. At the heart of the discussion is the argument that the UN mission in Cyprus was initiated by the global community as a way of resolving the problem. In essence, the increasing hostility between the two warring communities - Greek and Turkish Cypriots- after independence in the 1960 was escalating, and the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Gender Difference In Exercise Addiction And the Possible Roles of Lab Report

Gender Difference In Exercise Addiction And the Possible Roles of Eating Behaviour, Anxiety And Reason for Execise In Undergraduate Students - Lab Report Example This paper stresses that existing studies do not clearly differentiate between primary exercise dependence and problem exercise addiction as an associated feature, so predictions for exercise addiction may be possible. In case of female students who exercise, if there were no associated comorbid psychologic disorders, the personality profile and psychological morbidities do not differ from healthy controls. This study will recruit free living adult volunteers as participants and they do not have any bond with the investigator. Further this study does not involve any medical treatments, restrictions or biological sample collection. Therefore participants will not carry any serious risk. Participants are briefed about the survey and their written consent is taken just before they are given the questionnaires. They will be asked to give a personal code for confidential reasons. Their personal data will be handled confidentially throughout the survey and the final outcome of the research is explained. The participants will be told of the deadline for which the data collected will be used and they will also be made aware of the fact that they are free to withdraw their data at any time for any reason. They will be given a debriefing form which will also contain information on support services or websites they can go to for help if they have been in anyway affected by this or need more inform ation. The form will also have the researcher and supervisors contact details if needed.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Employee Retention in UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Employee Retention in UK - Essay Example Organizationally committed employees will usually have good attendance records, demonstrate a willing adherence to company policies, and have lower turnover rates. In particular, their broader base of job knowledge often translates into loyal customers and even pay premium price. Employee retention is an issue since the turnover levels from various industries are rising. Statistics show different percentages related to turnover rates as well as the reasons for the increasing turnover. "Turnover levels vary very considerably from industry to industry. The highest levels of turnover (22.6%) are found in private sector organisations. Successive surveys of labour turnover show that the highest levelsare found in retailing, hotels, cateringand leisure,and among other lower paid private sector services groups. The public sector has an average turnover rate of 13.7%." (Stone, 2007) Almost a quarterof employees in the UK have been in their current jobs forfive years.As a proportion of aggregate turnover, the percentage of people leaving organisations through redundancy remains small. There was a slight decreasefrom 28% to 24%of organisations making more than ten people redundant during 2006 and in those operating a recruitment freeze from 24% to 22%in the course of the year. The cost of high staff turnover can be substantial. ... irect financial costs of replacing staff but also other repercussions such as the potential loss of key skills, knowledge and experience, disruption to operations and the negative effect on workforce morale. In addition, high turnover represents a considerable burden both on HR and line managers as they are constantly recruiting and training new staff. When seeking to resolve the problems associated with high turnover, companies must first investigate the underlying causes. They need to have in mind an appropriate level of attrition by benchmarking against similar organisations and taking into account the real costs of turnover to the company. Different theories of employee retention People are vital components for the effective operation of the organisation; as a matter of fact, managers often say that people are their most important assets. The human assets are never shown on the balance sheets as a distinct category, although a big amount of money is invested in the recruitment, selection, training of personnel. Rensis Likert suggested maintaining accounts of the valuable human assets through human resource accounting. The importance of the employees cannot be over emphasized because it can determine the success or failure of the organisation. Make-You-Happy Action Teams (MAT) plays a critical role in managing employee retention. This is Z-Theory management. To briefly sate, Z-Theory management means everyone that is effected by a decision for the company gets a "say" or a "vote" in the decision (tons more on Z-Theory Management in another article). This means employees are directly involved in decision making that affects them. When then make decisions that directly affect them, they stay around longer. This theory can help in managing employee retention due

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Corporate Governance (Shareholder and Stakeholder Capitalism) Essay

Corporate Governance (Shareholder and Stakeholder Capitalism) - Essay Example Consumers have been also found to play a crucial part for ascertaining the orientation of the organisations. For instance, consumers having an inclination to transact with or purchase from organisations that are stakeholder-oriented could in a way make a social order that is based on stakeholders to be obligatory. The growing impact of globalisation has made the access of stakeholder organisations to be increasingly lucrative compared to the degree of access by shareholder organisations in case of every individual society (Allen & et al., 2007). According to a classic review with regard to the subject of corporate governance, it was stated by Shleifer & Vishny (1997) that the notion of corporate governance was a clear-cut viewpoint of the organisations which was at times addressed to be the division existing between control as well as ownership. Corporate governance is also stated to be the way shareholders manage to get back their portion of investments from the managers. In majorit y of the countries, like the US and the UK, this particular idea is accepted to be referred to as corporate governance. ... al., 2007). However, apart from the instances of the UK and the US, the goals of the organisations are stated to have a strong reliance on the structure of the country that is taken into concern. The goal and the intention of the organisations in this respect are frequently found to move away notably from the primary outline of increasing the value of the shareholder to the utmost. As already mentioned earlier, the legal structure applicable in Germany makes the fact quite precise that organisations do not require possessing the only responsibility of following the concern of the shareholders. The Germans are believed to involve and follow the structure of co-determination where the employees as well as the shareholders in big business enterprises are entitled to an equivalent amount of positions on the organisation’s administrative board. This structure entails the mentioned pattern so as to make certain that the concerns of shareholders together with the employees are taken into consideration (Allen & et. al., 2007). In the customary policy of Company Law, it was taken into concern that organisations needed to be controlled to shore up the privileges of the shareholders’ primarily. Behaviours in support of the non-shareholder community, for instance the consumers, overall society, suppliers or the employees could be professed to be an approach of the management of the organisations to amplify its authority along with its personal esteem. The concern of the stakeholders could be comprehended to be opposite of the shareholders’ concern to attain reasonable earnings for the amount invested by them. Corporate governance with the

Monday, September 9, 2019

How color influence customer's decisions and behaviors Essay

How color influence customer's decisions and behaviors - Essay Example It will also consider the other alternatives in design for providing a more conducive environment for customers in pubs and cafes. Conflict in bars and pubs is a common occurrence in UK as well as in other parts of the world. Obviously, the main reason is that alcohol removes inhibition and enhances people’s tendency to react freely to situations. No matter how thoughtful and well planned the design is, one cannot hope to completely eradicate aggression in the setting of a bar or pub. On the other hand, one cannot simply ignore the â€Å"influence† of the design of a pub or bar on the â€Å"mood and behaviour of people who spend time in it† (Conflict & Violence in Pubs: Design Issues, 1992 p.3). This is because various elements in the environment in which humans function are known to exercise a high level of influence on their behaviour and determine how they respond to given situations. The design, light, colour or flow patterns of bars and pubs, when coupled with other factors such as drunkenness and noise pollution, can increase the stress levels of patrons and create flash points for in stigating aggression. Research evidence suggests that the design, interior and â€Å"overly energetic dà ©cor – complexity and colour schemes† are causing â€Å"between 15 and 20% of all aggression† in bars and pubs (Conflict & Violence in Pubs: Design Issues, 1992 p.3). Therefore, these factors need to be taken into consideration when the designs of bars and pubs are planned and decided. Thus, apart from an appropriate shape and direction of the building and suitable design, it is significant to choose a sober colour scheme to facilitate a more congenial setting in pubs to reduce the stress levels of drunken customers and to encourage them to conduct peacefully. In the present day, â€Å"client initiated violence† is on the increase, which is identified as a major issue in â€Å"retail trade† including bars and pubs (Prevention and Management

Sunday, September 8, 2019

WHS Management Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

WHS Management Systems - Assignment Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that an efficient and effective implementation of WHS management in any type of organization is the one that is able to minimize accidents in the workplace hence reducing the compensation and medical cost which the company could bear. The WHS Act, 2012 was stipulated with the main aim of safeguarding safety and health measures and also to ensure that they are duly managed and carried out. In an organization, there are several activities which are always involving and may lead to increase in the risks in the workplace thus why section 19 of work health and safety has numerous management structures that could mainly be applied to cover all the employees who are working in a certain organization. The workplace health and safety players in Australian hardware should ensure that they have identified the safety and healthy lawful requirements which are applicable in operation of the organization. Some of these requirements are; codes of practice, legislation, and Australian standards. All the requirements should be kept up to date by reviewing them regularly. All the risks which are associated with an operation of the Australian hardware are minimized through WHS management. For the firm to ensure that workplace health and safety are adhered to, the following elements are fully considered enabling the firm to integrate WHS functions to its organization's systems. The Australian hardware has identified both physical and financial resources and all have been allocated to the relevant teams thus making it easy for the implementation of Workplace health and safety. The main objective of the provision of the resources is to ensure that there is provision of allocation of budget to both individual work units and Workplace health and safety team. The policy of WHS defines clearly and also it documents the responsibilities and accountabilities of all organization workers. In order employees to perform their dutie s competently, they should be trained on health and safety. The hardware management should determine the competencies, training, and experiences which employees should have met for them to perform their duties safely in the workplace hence reduction of risks in the workplace.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Individual vs Circumstance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Individual vs Circumstance - Essay Example lity can play a significant role in the history not only when it is more or less adequately expresses (or seeks to express) the interests of the masses, but also when it is guided by purely abstract ideas and ideals, and sometimes even only by its personal interests and ambitions that cannot be rationally confessed by itself. Modern investigators show Lenins personality from different points of view. For a long time Soviet ideology praised Lenin as a role-model person for soviet people, showing him as "the most humane man" and the liberator from the bourgeois-landlord oppression. From the other hand, many writers and historians show Lenin as unprincipled politician, organizer of fratricidal slaughter and starvation, as inspirer of extrajudicial executions and blame him in collapse of his social experiment. Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin came from a family of progressive Russian intellectuals: his father worked as a teacher, was an inspector, and then a director of public schools in the province of Simbirsk, and his mother knew several foreign languages, played the piano well and had a tutor diploma. From his early childhood Lenin exhibited the traits of someone who needed to show others how to do things (Tumarkin, 64). His outlook during first periods of his youth was influenced by family upbringing and parents’ example. He also was under the influence of revolutionary and democratic ideas and learned about the existence of Marxist theory from his brother Alexander Ulyanov, who was later executed for participation in plotting of the assassination on Russian Tsar Alexander III. At the university young Ulyanov established links with the revolutionary-minded students, but then he was arrested for active participation in student gathering in December 1887 and later he was expelled from the University of Kazan and exiled to the village of Kokushkino, where he lived under the secret police surveillance spending his time on self-education. So Lenin’s personality was formed

Friday, September 6, 2019

The initial interest of a career Essay Example for Free

The initial interest of a career Essay My initial interest of a career within Primary Education sparked whilst I was volunteering for a local football team, where I was presented with the opportunity to coach 8/9-year-old children, as part of my Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award. I found it particularly rewarding to see a child progress following my guidance and learning environment. From this, I have established that I enjoy the interaction with children and supporting their holistic development on their personal level, I am fascinated with how their minds develop, gaining an understanding into a child’s perceptions of the world. Primary Education has been the course I have been exclusively interested in since the start of High School, mainly due to the opportunities that have been laid ahead at South Bromsgrove. I secured a week’s placement last year, through a local Primary School. I was able to work alongside teachers and support staff in different roles across the school. This was a capturing and challenging experience. Shadowing a Primary School teacher enabled me to be involved in a range of areas such as early years, extra-curricular events and a taste of every subject at Primary level. This developed my confidence when approaching senior teachers and pupils whilst at the school. The most rewarding part was being able to help pupils within lessons with tasks, which is essential in developing the defined core of teaching. Helping a child progress motivates me and this experience reinforced my desire to teach. The concept of playing an active role in helping children develop greatly appeals to me. A key part of the course would place me in an actual schooling environment, broadening my knowledge further and giving me a first-hand impression of the role itself. I am applying to this course because I believe my personal skill set and passion are well molded to the course requirements. My communication, interpersonal skills, and patience will benefit me within this role. I also believe that becoming an excellent teacher requires a desire to assist children in the learning process and this is one quality which I feel I definitely possess and have been commented on. I also emphasize the necessity of enabling children to have fun at school and relish their Primary School days. I believe that my current philosophy is person-orientated, as I obtain good interpersonal skills, promoting positive results from individuals, rather than focusing on a larger task. Primary Education provides children with the building blocks to pursue a personal desire, in later school years and beyond school . At South Bromsgrove, I study BTEC Sport and Business Studies. A current focus in Sport is phases of learning. This particular unit has enabled me to understand the process of thinking. The Cognitive, Associative and Autonomous stages link into how a Primary pupil processes thoughts. In the future, this will provide me with an understanding of how children perceive school, which is a fundamental part of the Primary Education course. Business has enhanced my knowledge on budgeting which is a key part of the role, as each department is allocated a budget. This could benefit me in a teaching role. I also participate in the Duke of Edinburgh programme, having completed both Bronze and Silver I am working towards the Gold Award in 2018. The DofE programme has presented lots of opportunities. Volunteering in a local charity shop to learning new personal skills, such as problem solving and self-management. I have always been a sportsman which has provided me with a core set of skills. Resilience, Social Independence, and Responsibility. These skills are applicable to university and I feel due to my skill set I can work on independent tasks and would thrive in this environment. I also believe that Primary Education requires a great level of responsibility. I personally feel that this skill is above satisfactory and again, I would face no obstruction in pursuing a career in Primary Education.